Alix Armour, Principal
French & American citizen, born in Hong Kong. Amsterdam based. Consultant and advisor as a wildcard-type entrepreneur driven by speed to transformational, purpose with positive societal & environmental change and impactful results.
After 5 years of lessons learned from building Nimble Scooters, I co-founded Super73, California lifestyle brand and maker of iconic electric motorbikes launched on Kickstarter in 2016. The 7 years following that gave me a wealth of unrivaled experience. I began the journey with my cofounders in Tustin, California then moved to Europe in 2018 to develop local distribution, where we eventually opened an office in Amsterdam in 2020. Reaching an annual $100M+ revenue with 150+ employees and global expansion, my last active role there as Head of Sustainability gave me insight on the value of sustainable & strategic operations.
Over a decade of experience in early growth startups in the US, Europe, and Asia with roles in international sales, marketing, logistics, branding, international expansion, compliance, sustainability, manufacturing, supply chains, pitch decks, customer service, e-commerce, public relations in startup environments up to $100-200M annual revenue.
I enjoy creative problem-solving, system level design, multi-disciplinary and global collaboration, and am quick to understand complex business models. I thrive on a steep learning curve and mostly value synergy through partnership, transparent data, clear communication, and powerful storytelling.
Capable of bridging organizational and cultural gaps across teams thanks to a solid education in industrial design where the creative approach is applied to methodology and process mapping.
Fluent in English, French; Intermediate speaking level in Spanish, Mandarin; Beginner in Dutch, Italian.
Feels at home in California, San Francisco Bay Area, LA/Orange County, France, Netherlands, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Costa Rica.
Also, currently building Metos.Energy a brokerage, consulting and research business on renewable energy including agricultural residues used as fuel for heating and generating thermal energy, and second-life battery cells for energy storage.
Past fun facts:
BadCats Shanghai: spontaneous flashmob-esque community events involving water fights in FuXing Park, a pillow fight in Times Square and a Pyjama Jam at XinTianDi. 2006-2007.
Autonomy Paris: was hired as the 4th team member (2015) to help build Europe’s first and greatest urban mobility fair & conference.
I like building things. Making lists. Marie-Kondo organization. Cooking. Volleyball. Dinner parties with discussion topics. Organizing massive family and friends gatherings. Foraging for mushrooms. Creating meaningful connections.